IELTS Speaking assessment

Welcome to your IELTS Speaking assessment

Choose one of the following 3 topics.

Here is a sample of what you should provide us.

For this assessment you have 3 choices. 

1. Talk about your daily routine, and talk about what you typically do at weekends.

2. Talk about a place you have visited, a place you would like to visit, or your favourite place to visit. (this should be another city or country).

3. Talk about a hobby or interest you have.
(watching movies and reading books is not a hobby unless you can talk about the movies and the books in detail).

Follow the instructions below.

You should speak for at least 1 minute (maximum time). It is ok, if you speak for less. This is only an assessment.

Do not press the 'submit' button.  Use the application to submit your files.

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