Introduction to Grammar Awareness

Welcome to our Grammar Awareness Course.


As a pre-requisite to the IELTS 10-hour & 20-hour courses, this course will feature many examples of grammar directly relevant to the IELTS exam, and also some general grammar items which are often used incorrectly by non-native speakers of English.


Throughout the course there are quizzes to help you maximize your learning, and videos to watch. (the videos are taken from various sites on the internet. I felt that there was no need to 're-invent the wheel', (this is an idiom, which means 'do not do what has already been done') so the videos are credited to others)


By taking this course 1st, you will gain more of an understanding of how to correctly and more accurately tackle the tasks in the exam.


Where possible in this course, for Filipino students(who this course is primarily aimed at), I will try to reference the difference between English structure and Tagalog structure for you to get a more complete understanding of how to construct your English. Having been in the Philippines for several years I have a basic understanding of many structural patterns in Tagalog which I will use in an effort to clear up any misunderstandings and misconceptions. (Please correct me if I incorrectly use Tagalog!! There is an e-mail link below).


We also have a feedback section but not a help section as this is not a teacher-student session course.  Any questions can be e-mailed (e-mail us) and will be responded to.


We have also created a forum for all registered users. This can be used to post questions, supply answers, and assist fellow students. It also has a section about living and working in The UK. (post your questions and I will endeavour to answer them).


There is also a grammar section on our sister website Dumaguete IELTS


Thank you and once again, Welcome/Mabuhay.


Dumaguete IELTS.